Wednesday 4 June 2014

Summer Must have's Top 5

Everyone strives for that sunkissed glow, especially when we see a bit of sun. Here are my top 5 products I like to use during the warmer months to help achieve this look...........
Firstly my base, normally I use a tinted moisturiser throughout the year, but I find when it's a bit warmer this can crease and appear very oily. Estee Lauder's double wear foundation (Ivory Beige) truly is a god send, it really has the staying power you need in a foundation. Once applied there is no budging, great coverage which can be applied all over the face;  it's breathable too so it doesnt feel clogged which alows the skin to breathe. I switch to this during the summer because know matter how much hot and flustered I get, this never shows by leaving a matte finish. It is a bit pricey around the £30 mark for a 30ml bottle, but as I've said before you get what you pay for. A little goes a long way and can be found in most department stores and larger Boots pharmacies. The only down side to this product, is that it doesn't have a pump so be careful when using it to only use a bit at a time.

Whos doesn't love a good bronzer?! Summer wouldn't be summer without this bad boy. I have tried loads of bronzers ranging from cheap to high end and I always go back to this bodyshop all in one bronzer. Its great for giving you that glow but also side lines as a great eyeshadow pallete too. This comes in 2 shades, the other one is for lighter skin tones and is more paisley pinks. This comes from Bodyshop and costs £16 which lasts absolutely ages, great value for money.

Highlighter is the key to giving you killer cheek bones and this one from benefit 'sun beam' is amazing. Such a sheen that stays put all the live long day, beautiful gold shimmer for any skin tone. I love how it looks like nail polish with the brush applicator which makes it easier for precise application. You really don't need alot of this, literally dot along then blend. Around the £20 mark but another long lasting product.

Brows as you know are my biggest obsession lol so I won't ramble on too much about this. As I've mentioned in previous blogs it is difficult to find a brow product that really stays put all day and can be offered for different skin tones. Anastasia Bevery Hills Dipbrow Pomade is AMAZING!!!!
I've only been using this for a couple of months but I love it, I did a review about this not so long ago so go check that out to see what I thought about this product.

Last but not least lucious lips.....
I tend to wear more gloss on my lips in the summer just to finish off that glow, I'm really loving Lancome's range at the moment which have such a great selection, there's something for everyone...promise.
I bought the shade 306 which has a coral undertone with an orangy tinge, this goes on great and smells divine. This costs around £20 which comes in such a beautiful package how could I resist?!.

Well there you go guys hope this has been helpful, what's your summer favourites???

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